Academy Education
 Providing School and Student Management Solutions all over Australia









Student Attendance Management

Streamline your school attendance workflows with Academy Education

The Academy Student Management System provides simple to use tools for managing Student Attendance for primary and secondary schools across Australia.

Seamless integration with school administration systems. Let Academy Education help streamline your school processes and daily workflows, providing efficient and effective tools for Front Office/ Student Services Administration Staff as well and Teachers in the classroom.
Interfaces with all the major government and non-goverment adminstration systems across Australia.

Contact Academy today for a demonstration and opportunity to tailor a cost effective solution for your school.


 Real-time Attendance Data and Alerts
 Student Attendance Tracking and Reporting


Simple to use interface for teaching and administration staff.
Record Attendance, Uniform and much more..

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Lesson Attendance - Timetabling integration
Academic Reporting
Student Wellbeing Management


Student Welfare and Behaviour

Manage Student Welfare and Behaviour with the Academy software suite.


Get the whole picture - Instant Access to Student Profiles

 record welfare behaviour events at the click of a button - bulk entry facilities available. Positive and Negative recording

Record Behaviour,  Medical Events and  much more...

 instant access to data - dashboard monitoring facilities

Real-time dashboards and automated alerts

 positive reward points  

Merit Awards System. Positive and Negative recording (House Points)


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school data exchange school administration systems edsas, sis, oasis, one school, maze, cases21 and more 

System Integration

Seemless integration with school administration and timetabling packages

Maze, EDSAS, One School, OASIS, SIS/Integris, CASES21, EDVAL and many more..

 Maze, EDSAS, One School, OASIS, SIS/Integris, CASES21, EDVAL, Timetabling Solutions and many more..  
 Connects to all the major school administration and timetabling packages
 hosted on school network  
Securely hosted inside your school network



school sms absence alert and general mass bulk communication tools 

SMS Parent Alert and General Communication Tools

Communicate with your parents at the click of a button

Email Behaviour letters, Attendance/Absence Follow-up letters, SMS Broadcast and Absence alerts notifications


 SMS Attendance/Truancy follow-up, General School Communications

 email school newsletters, general email communications and reminders

Email Newsletters, Behaviour and Attendance Letters

 data stored electronically or manual print facilities available

Full audit history of communications sent to parents

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Student Kiosk - Sign In Solutions

Student Self-Serve Sign In Solutions tailored for your school
The Academy Student Kiosk provides simple to use self-serve sign in solutions for students to sign in and out of school.
Depending on school requirements, the system can be configured to use existing Student ID Cards or Biometric Fingerprint technology.
Contact Academy to discuss customisation options to suit your school needs

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 Self Serve Kiosk configurations


Swipe card and Biometric options

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Print Late / Early Departure Slips






Academy Education Solutions
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